Journal Policies and Ethics
Open Access Policy
All articles published will be freely available on the CBAJ website.
Publication and Peer-review Policy
Manuscripts submitted to Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment first, undergo Editorial Review to determine the eligibility and appropriateness of manuscript as per the Journal’s scope. After finding the appropriateness of the manuscript, Editor-In-Chief will decide either to forward the manuscript for Review or reject with suitable justifications.
Accepted manuscripts after editorial review will be sent for review after obtaining Copyright transfer form from authors. The manuscript will be reviewed by two subject experts in respective fields. The comments of the reviewers will be considered and the comments of the reviewers will be forwarded to the corresponding author for revision as per the reviewer’s suggestions and Journal manuscript preparation guidelines. In case of negative comments on any manuscript the Editor-In-Chief may or may not allot the manuscript to third reviewer. On the basis of his/her comments, Editor-In-Chief may consult with one or more members of the Editorial Board and reject/accept a manuscript on the second stage with proper justification. Before publication, the manuscript will be screened for grammar and technical errors for which the manuscript will be sent again to the authors for revision. After receiving the final revised manuscript the Galley proof will be prepared and sent to the authors for last time to identify corrections.
Associate editor and review editors provide administrative support to maintain the integrity of peer review process. CBAJ follows strict and standard review and manuscript preparation guidelines from the COPE.
Copyright issues
All the articles published in CBAJ are disseminated Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International license under which articles can be shared and used for non-commercial purposes with proper attribution and credit (citation) to the original writer.
In case of use of information available on the CBAJ website, permission can be requested to the Editor-In-Chief by mailing at
Submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using: iThenticate Turnitin
Authors of the individual articles published in Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment are solely responsible for the content thereof. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, Editor-In-Chief, its editorial board members, advisory members, publishers or anyone else involved in editing, pagination, producing or distribution assumes any liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in the Journal, nor shall they be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of the Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment.