Liverworts new to the Eastern Ghats from Kolli Hills

  • A. E.D. Daniels Bryology Laboratory, Department of Botany and Research Centre Scott Christian College (Autonomous), Nagercoil - 629 003, Tamil Nadu
  • P. M. Biju Bryology Laboratory, Department of Botany and Research Centre Scott Christian College (Autonomous), Nagercoil - 629 003, Tamil Nadu


The liverworts Lejeunea discreta, L. obscura, L. tuberculosa and Microlejeunea punctiformis are
found to be new records and are added here to the liverwort flora of the Eastern Ghats. Genus
Microlejeunea Steph. is new to the Eastern Ghats. The species are described and illustrated.
Keywords: Eastern Ghats, Kolli Hills, Lejeunea discreta, L. obscura, L. tuberculosa, Microlejeunea punctiformis


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