Lichen Diversity in the Terai Regions of Uttar Pradesh, India

  • Pooja Gupta Botanical Survey of India, Central Regional Centre, Allahabad – 211 002, Uttar Pradesh


Terai regions of Uttar Pradesh is one of the richest area for lichen diversity in the state represented
by 81 species under 37 genera and 23 families. Out of these, 66 species are crustose, 11 foliose,
3 squamulose and 1 leprose. Graphidaceae shows highest generic as well as species diversity
with 5 genera and 15 species followed by Ramalinaceae with 2 genera and 10 species. Among the
genera Graphis is the largest with 10 species followed by Bacidia with 9 species. Agonimia
allobata (Stizenb.) P. James, Anisomeridium aff. ranunculosporum (Coppins and James) Coppins,
Coenogonium aciculatum Lücking and Aptroot, and Malmidea bakeri (Vain.) Kalb, Rivas Plata and
Lumbsch have been found as new records for India and Arthonia cinnabarina (DC.) Wallr., A.
dispersula Nyl., Bacidia medialis (Tuck. ex Nyl.) Zahlbr., Bacidina apiahica (Müll. Arg.) Vezda,
Buellia stellulata (Taylor) Mudd, Byssoloma subdiscordans (Nyl.) P. James, Chaenothecopsis
savonica (Räsänen) Tibell, Coenogonium dilucidum (Kremp.) Kalb and Lücking, Coenogonium
minimum (Müll. Arg.) Lücking, Endocarpon pusillum Hedw., Fellhanera fuscatula (Müll. Arg.)
Vëzda, Fellhanera rhapidophylli (Rehm) Vezda, Fellhanera semecarpi (Vain.) Vezda, Fissurina
cingalina (Nyl.) Staiger, Graphis caesiella Vain., Graphis filiformis Adaw. and Makhija, Graphis
lineola Ach., Graphis petricosa (Kremp.) A.W. Archer, Graphis pyrrhocheliodes Zahlbr.,
Herpothallon sticticum Jagadeesh and G.P. Sinha, Letrouitia domingensis (Pers.) Hafellner and
Bellem., Mazosia phyllosema (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Mycomicrothelia nonensis (Müll. Arg.) D. Hawksw.,
Mycomicrothelia thelena (Müll. Arg.) D. Hawksw., Phaeographis inusta (Ach.) Müll. Arg.,
Pyxine consocians Vain., Strigula nitidula Mont. and Thelotrema subtile Tuck. have been found
as new records for Uttar Pradesh.
Keywords: Biodiversity, new records, taxonomy, Terai regions, Uttar Pradesh.


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