Bunodophoron awasthii, a new lichen species from India

  • Gopal Prasad Sinha T-1/1103, Eldeco Saubhagyam, Vrindavan Yojna, Sector 9, Lucknow - 226029, India
  • T. A. M. Jagadeesh Ram Botanical Survey of India, Southern Regional Centre, Coimbatore - 641003, India


Bunodophoron awasthii, a new lichen species is described from the Eastern Himalaya, India.
It is characterized by the solid, erect, non-isidiate, crowded, richly branched and anastomosing
thallus with mostly ± flattened main branches and subterete to terete lateral branches, terminal
to subterminal apothecia, hyaline to brownish grey, globose, 6.3–9.4 μm diam. ascospores,
sphaerosphorin and stictic acid complex as lichen substances.

Keywords: Eastern Himalaya, Lecanoromycetes, Neora Valley National Park, Sphaerophoraceae.


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How to Cite
Sinha, G. P., & Ram, T. A. M. J. (2022). Bunodophoron awasthii, a new lichen species from India. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 6(01), 11-13. https://doi.org/10.21756/cba.v6i01.227