Study on distribution of Roccella montagnei Bél., across the Marine National Park and Sanctuary in Gulf of Kachchh, West Coast, India

  • Bhasker Punjani P.G. Center in Botany, Smt. S.M. Panchal Science College, Talod-383 215, Gujarat, India
  • Jayesh Raval P.G. Center in Botany, Smt. S.M. Panchal Science College, Talod-383 215, Gujarat, India
  • Sanjeeva Nayaka Lichenology Laboratory, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow-226 001, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Dalip Kumar Upreti Lichenology Laboratory, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow-226 001, Uttar Pradesh, India


Several field explorations were undertaken during 2015–2018 to study the distribution of Roccella
montagnei Bél., across the Marine National Park and Sanctuary in Gujarat. R. montagnei is
the only fruticose lichen of family Roccellaceae recorded from MNPS area. A total of 108
specimens were collected from bark and rocks. The epiphytic lichens were recorded from
17 species of plants. The study revealed that Ceriops tagal, a mangrove plant and Salvadora
persica, a mangrove associated plant found to be the major substratum for the lichens followed
by Rhizophora mucronata. Out of the 19 islands surveyed R. montagnei is recorded from 15
islands of which Bhens bid and Bhaidar showed luxuriant growth. The information gathered in
the study will act as baseline data and useful for future ecological and biomonitoring studies in
the National Park. The abundant growth of R. montagnei in the study area can serve as resource
for the bioprospecting and identification of secondary metabolites.

Keywords: Coastal lichens, Litmus lichen, Marine biodiversity, Mangroves, Roccellaceae


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How to Cite
Punjani, B., Raval, J., Nayaka, S., & Upreti, D. K. (2022). Study on distribution of Roccella montagnei Bél., across the Marine National Park and Sanctuary in Gulf of Kachchh, West Coast, India. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 6(01), 52-58. Retrieved from